

Androidの開発環境の導入 Mac OSX編

Android.com http://www.android.com/

Installing the SDK | Android Developers http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing.html


For Eclipse 3.5 or newer, the "Eclipse Classic" version is recommended. Otherwise, a Java or RCP version of Eclipse is recommended.

Eclipse Downloads http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/


ADT(Android Developer Tools)のインストール

ADT Plugin for Eclipse | Android Developers http://developer.android.com/sdk/eclipse-adt.html#installing
Eclipse.appを起動。Help->Install New Software
Work withの横にあるAddボタンを押し、表示されたダイアログにADTのダウンロード元を設定する。

Name: ADT(適当)
Location: https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/


ここのTopから辿れるDevelopers ページからSDKのダウンロードページへ移動。
Android SDK | Android Developers http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html

Mac OS X (intel) android-sdk_r10-mac_x86.zip をダウンロード。

Welcome to the Android SDK!

The Android SDK archive initially contains only the basic SDK tools. It does
not contain an Android platform or any third-party libraries. In fact, it
doesn't even have all the tools you need to develop an application.

In order to start developing applications, you must install the Platform-tools
and at least one version of the Android platform, using the SDK Manager.

Platform-tools contains build tools that are periodically updated to support new
features in the Android platform (which is why they are separate from basic
SDK tools), including adb, dexdump, and others.

To install Platform-tools, Android platforms and other add-ons, you must
have an Internet connection, so if you plan to use the SDK while
offline, please make sure to download the necessary components while online.

To start the SDK Manager, please execute the program "tools/android".

From the command-line you can also directly trigger an update by
tools/android update sdk

For more information, please consult the Android web site at

一番最後に読み込む ~/.profileに下記の内容を書けばいいんじゃないかなと個人的には思っている。

export PATH=~/Library/android-sdk-mac_x86/tools:$PATH platform-toolsに移動したっぽい。
export PATH=~/Library/android-sdk-mac_x86/platform-tools$PATH


tools/android update sdk



Downloading Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 3
Installing Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 3
'adb kill-server' failed -- run manually if necessary.
Installed Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 3
Downloading Documentation for Android SDK, API 11, revision 1
Installing Documentation for Android SDK, API 11, revision 1
Installed Documentation for Android SDK, API 11, revision 1
Downloading SDK Platform Android 3.0, API 11, revision 1
Installing SDK Platform Android 3.0, API 11, revision 1
Installed SDK Platform Android 3.0, API 11, revision 1
Downloading SDK Platform Android 2.3.3, API 10, revision 1
Installing SDK Platform Android 2.3.3, API 10, revision 1
Installed SDK Platform Android 2.3.3, API 10, revision 1
Downloading SDK Platform Android 2.3.1, API 9, revision 2 (Obsolete)
Installing SDK Platform Android 2.3.1, API 9, revision 2 (Obsolete)
Installed SDK Platform Android 2.3.1, API 9, revision 2 (Obsolete)
Downloading SDK Platform Android 2.2, API 8, revision 2
Installing SDK Platform Android 2.2, API 8, revision 2
Installed SDK Platform Android 2.2, API 8, revision 2
Downloading SDK Platform Android 2.1, API 7, revision 2
Installing SDK Platform Android 2.1, API 7, revision 2
Installed SDK Platform Android 2.1, API 7, revision 2
Downloading SDK Platform Android 1.6, API 4, revision 3
Installing SDK Platform Android 1.6, API 4, revision 3
Installed SDK Platform Android 1.6, API 4, revision 3
Downloading SDK Platform Android 1.5, API 3, revision 4
Installing SDK Platform Android 1.5, API 3, revision 4
Installed SDK Platform Android 1.5, API 3, revision 4
Downloading Samples for SDK API 11, revision 1
Installing Samples for SDK API 11, revision 1
Installed Samples for SDK API 11, revision 1
Downloading Samples for SDK API 10, revision 1
Installing Samples for SDK API 10, revision 1
Installed Samples for SDK API 10, revision 1
Downloading Samples for SDK API 8, revision 1
Installing Samples for SDK API 8, revision 1
Installed Samples for SDK API 8, revision 1
Downloading Samples for SDK API 7, revision 1
Installing Samples for SDK API 7, revision 1
Installed Samples for SDK API 7, revision 1
Downloading Android Compatibility package, revision 1
Installing Android Compatibility package, revision 1
Installed Android Compatibility package, revision 1
Downloading Google Market Licensing package, revision 1
Installing Google Market Licensing package, revision 1
Installed Google Market Licensing package, revision 1
Downloading Google Market Billing package, revision 1
Installing Google Market Billing package, revision 1
Installed Google Market Billing package, revision 1
Downloading Google APIs by Google Inc., Android API 11, revision 1
Installing Google APIs by Google Inc., Android API 11, revision 1
Installed Google APIs by Google Inc., Android API 11, revision 1
Downloading Google APIs by Google Inc., Android API 10, revision 1
Installing Google APIs by Google Inc., Android API 10, revision 1
Installed Google APIs by Google Inc., Android API 10, revision 1
Downloading Google APIs by Google Inc., Android API 9, revision 2
Installing Google APIs by Google Inc., Android API 9, revision 2
Installed Google APIs by Google Inc., Android API 9, revision 2
Downloading Google APIs by Google Inc., Android API 8, revision 2
Installing Google APIs by Google Inc., Android API 8, revision 2
Installed Google APIs by Google Inc., Android API 8, revision 2
Downloading GALAXY Tab by Samsung Electronics., Android API 8, revision 1
Installing GALAXY Tab by Samsung Electronics., Android API 8, revision 1
Installed GALAXY Tab by Samsung Electronics., Android API 8, revision 1
Downloading Google APIs by Google Inc., Android API 7, revision 1
Installing Google APIs by Google Inc., Android API 7, revision 1
Installed Google APIs by Google Inc., Android API 7, revision 1
Downloading Google APIs by Google Inc., Android API 4, revision 2
Installing Google APIs by Google Inc., Android API 4, revision 2
Installed Google APIs by Google Inc., Android API 4, revision 2
Downloading Google APIs by Google Inc., Android API 3, revision 3
Installing Google APIs by Google Inc., Android API 3, revision 3
Installed Google APIs by Google Inc., Android API 3, revision 3
Updated ADB to support the USB devices declared in the SDK add-ons.
'adb kill-server' succeeded.
ADB: * daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
'adb start-server' succeeded.
ADB: * daemon started successfully *



Android SDKの場所をEclipseで設定する必要がある。

An SDK Target must be specified

Preferences -> Android -> SDK Location

~/Library/android-sdk-mac_x86 (Browseで選択した方が確実。)

Sample Source Code の コンパイル

File -> New -> Other -> Android -> Android Project